Ethiopia (Eastern Africa)

Having been involved in geological research efforts since in Ethiopia since the 1970’s has enabled Géo2D to engage in related development initiatives in the country such as the inventory-creation of geothermal potential of the country with UNDP support, feasibility studies in partnership with the Italian Cooperation and more recently with Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD). A teaching stint at Addis-Ababa University facilitated the establishment of strong links with leading Ethiopian and Eritrean geologists., Géo2D looks to contribute to the development of Ethiopia’s geothermal resources, which are among the most important on planet earth.Its last activites focused on strategic  planning  and  exploration works for AGAPI(Afar  Geothermal Development Company )  for Boortmalt with the idea of installing a maltery powered by geothermal energy.Two sites have been selected in North Afar by AGAP, on which applications for exploration licenses have been done and a waiting for approval : Ta'Ali (Afdera Woreda) and Dabbahu (Teru Woreda).
In 2018, Géo2D signed a contract with Meridiam for a mission assistance and expertise on the site Tulu Moye, with the vision of producing 500 MW, on  a gradual implementation over the next 8 years. 

  • Publications
  • Varet, J., Chernet, T. Woldetinsae G. Arnason, K. (2012): Exploring for Geothermal Sites in Northern and Central Afar (Ethiopia) Proceedings of the 4th African Rift Geothermal Conference . Nairobi, Kenya, 21-23 November 2012, 7p.
  • Varet J. (1978) - La géothermie dans le développement futur de l’Ethiopie. SINET - Addis Abeba - Ethiopie.
  • Dakin F. M., Morton W. H. & Varet, J. (1972) - Geological Field Trip to Dire Dawa - Excursion géologique à Dire-Daoua. 5ème congrès panafricain de Micropaléontologie, H. S.1. U. , Addis Ababa, 34 p.
  • Varet, J. (1972) - Flight over Afar - survol géologique de l'Afar. 5ème congrès panafricain de Micropaléontologie, H. S. 1. Univ., Addis Ababa, 25 p.