- Geologist,
- PhD in Geo Sciences,
- L.R.Wager Prize Winner for Volcanology (IAVCEI, Royal Society of London),
- Assistant Professor at Paris South Orsay and Addis Ababa Universities,
- Associate Professor ENAG–BRGM School, DeKUT-Kenya,
- Researcher NRS, NERC,
- Head of BRGM Geothermal Department; then Director of the French Geological Survey,
- President of Eurogeosurveys,
- Founder of Compagnie Française de Géothermie (CFG),
- Founder of l'Institut Français de l'Environnement (IFEN),
- Founder of l’Ecole Nationale d’Application des Géosciences (ENAG),
- Scientific and Technology Advisor, French Embassy in China
- Head of Department, Ministry of Research and Technology; then Ministry of Environment,
- Editor in Chief of the journal «Géosciences »