Partners and Clients

Géo2D’s partners have included :

Géo2D’s major clients have included :

  • ALCEN : A French group dealing in  high technologies in energy, defence & security, medical machines and aeronautics :
  • Electerre de France : A French firm specialising in  the development of geothermal energy,such as Reunion Island and Auvergne:
  • La Région Toscane (Italy) : Implementing regional policies for geothermal development
  • République de Djibouti : Advising the Minister of Energy, Water and natural resources
  • Domaine de Sail les bains : Conducting tectonic characterisation of the thermal station
  • Clemessy : Advisory role for geothermal engineering notably in Kenya :
  • DeKUT : Teaching,  research, resource mobilization and international partnership building for the university .It also provides professional training :
  • UNDP Djibouti:Inventory of mineral resources and its persecpetive on development in parternship with (B.Touahri)
  • EDCL:(Energy Development Corporation Limited ,Rwanda):does research work in the region of Gisenyi (North East of lake Kivu);it has a contract with MOFED under the financing of FED(The European Union)