Kenya, (Eastern African)

Kenya leads the pack in Africa as the country that has decided to rely on geothermal resources for its development,with 600MW installed in 2016, its main objective is to attain 5000MVbythe year 2030.Géo2D aims to contribute to this process by collaborating (in partnership with various reputable European-based firms) with key stakeholders in Kenya’s geothermal sectors through innovative initiatives, capacity-building as well as Research & Development. Géo2D currently partners with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) in providing geothermal energy-oriented capacity-building to Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (KenGen) and Geothermal Development Company (GDC) staff(see <<Geotheral village>>concept).Géo2D is not only specialised in geoscience but also in the social and environmental sector,it strives to have direct interaction with the various local communities it encounters.Besides geothermal energy Géo2D also intervenes on the mineral resources,such as diatomite for a company better known as IMERYS.Three mineral deposits were discovered , two of them as a  result of specific studies and sampling for industrial tests.
Jacques Varet directs  theses of several young experts of KenGen and GDC, thus accessing issues of scientific and technological developments.

